I have sat around for the last few weeks doing nothing...By choice of course. Ignoring phone calls of friends and business people alike trying to figure out what I should do. Only to come to the conclusion that the answer has been in front of me the whole time. When things get you down, sometimes you need to go to the source to figure it out. Today I did just that. I went to the source of what was bringing me down and had me feeling bad as if I had let down a community full of people to only find that they were waiting on me to resurface. I also discovered that my community is willing to offer whatever support I need and people constantly remind me that I can and have made a difference. Who knew? This village thing is new to me even as a Southerner.
I am happy to know that I am surrounded by positive people who tend to make a big difference in others lives everyday. I don't have to mention the sources that caused the negativity in my life and neither do you need to share yours with anyone. As long as you face it head on you will be the winner in the end and I am.....I love NOMI and plan to stay around and do whatever I can to rebuild and be a positive addition just like I was up until a few weeks ago.