Monday, June 13, 2011

Ashton & Shericka's 1st Garden

Last year I decided that I would attempt to do what my grandmother and mother did for years. I figured if they had a green thumb then it obviously was passed on to me. So, I joined the community garden that is located directly across the street from my old residence. It cost me $15 for the plot and a lot of sweat and tears. Ashton was just as excited and he couldn't wait to pick out seeds. What we didn't know was that we would have to turn the dirt and we didn't have a garden till so we had to do it with shovels and heavy rakes.

Along the way I also learned a lesson about weeding and why my mother finds it necessary to weed her garden every other day. This is a lesson that I definitely learned the hard way. During this garden venture I skipped one whole week of visiting the garden because it had rained almost everyday and I didn't want to be in mud...Not a good idea.

The challenge was making everything grow naturally without any chemicals. I didn't even use a compost or any type of natural fertilizer. So was it 1st timer's luck? You be the judge. Either way it was a great experience and I hope I can find a location for this year. FYI.....Plant carrots early. They take forever!!!

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